At the beginning of 2012, AILIMPO signed a Collaboration Agreement with the FEN (Spanish Federation of Nutrition), with the aim of establishing the basis of cooperation between both organizations and to advance in the study and elaboration of reports about the nutritional and healthy properties of lemons and grapefruits.

The fruit of this collaboration is the two documents “Nutritional Value of Lemons” and “Nutritional Value of Grapefruits”, which also fall within the framework of the criteria for a healthy diet. These documents have been drawn up by the FEN and therefore have the corresponding scientific backing that supports them.

At Ailimpo, we consider these documents to be of great importance and significance for several reasons:

  • Firstly, because it is necessary to comply with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods (a brief note on this is attached to this circular). In this respect, we remind you of the importance of being cautious in the use of unauthorised claims.
  • Secondly, because through them the sector has useful and rigorous information, which allows us to give value to our products.