The aims of AILIMPO are established in the article 8 of its statutes, and all of them are contained in the section III of the Title III of the Regulation (CE) nº 2.200/96, as well as in the article 3 of the Law 38/1994. Its mission, vision and values are established according to them.

The main generic purposes of AILIMPO are

  • Representation of the lemon and grapefruit sector.
  • To improve the transparency and the balance of the market.
  • To value the products in all the destinations, mainly through the quality and the service.
  • To coordinate the activities of the different agents that participate in the chain in order to improve the efficiency of the whole process.
  • To inform and satisfy the consumer by seeking, as far as possible, to increase the demand and qualitative prestige of lemons, grapefruits and their derivatives.
  • To achieve in all the represented activities the greatest respect for the environment, minimizing the negative impacts.


To defend the common interests of the associates and to promote through cooperation a profitable, competitive, professionalized, value-added, sustainable business model of lemon and grapefruit in each and every link of the chain we represent: production, trade and industry.


Ailimpo is a non profit national organisation, which is committed to becoming a leading association in response to the needs of lemon and grapefruit producers, traders and processors in Spain, through a set of actions that include the offer of services, the organisation of activities, the promotion of projects, economic analysis and, in general, all those actions that stimulate the improvement of the sector through cooperation and the sharing of talent, experience, knowledge and other resources.


  • Leadership: Being the reference in the Spanish lemon and grapefruit sector.
  • Collaboration: Promoting inter-business cooperation projects to achieve common objectives, sharing information and knowledge.
  • Passion: We are dedicated to everything we do.
  • Quality: Searching for excellence in the organisation and to serve as an example to the companies in the sector.
  • Ethical conduct: We act with professionalism, transparency, moral integrity, loyalty and respect for people and the law.
  • Innovation: We actively seek opportunities to improve and create new business opportunities for the sector.